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The Emotional Side of Business

Writer: Chris BianchiChris Bianchi

Do your emotions get in the way of sound business decisions?

In business it is very necessary to be analytical and logical. Each decision should boil down to one question:

"Will this be good or bad for my business?"

Have you ever been expected to make an expensive purchase for your business, and did you go through with it even though it was too costly, for fear of "not being liked?"

Handle business swiftly and politely with a smile to avoid confrontations. Your first response is to acknowledge the request. Then, within the framework of the conversation, explain why you cannot meet the request. For example, Someone had an exciting opportunity to combine forces with a local TV news program. Their research was impeccable indicating a very high number of anticipated hits on my website and calls to be received if they were to sign up for the program.

After the presentation, and request for $50,000, they agreed it was of great value. They then said, "If your statistics are true, I would need to build up my infrastructure which will take longer than your short timeframe allowed for commitment."

They agreed with their statements and used their own words to show the flaw in their reasoning for a quick decision. This method enabled them to excuse myself from the project and eliminated hard feelings.

You cannot afford to purchase from everyone. You must learn to remove the emotional side of business and set realistic expectations of others.

Relationship selling is based on a win-win strategy. Each business owner must understand the needs and challenges of the other.

When someone tells you "No" at any point in a conversation, the very best thing to do is to stop and ask, "Why?" Getting angry, walking away and stopping all communication is not the least bit helpful.

If you take the time to ask "Why?" and get a history of experiences, there will be three positive outcomes from the question. First, if an error was made, you will know what that error was and will not repeat it elsewhere.

Second, you will become adept at always understanding two viewpoints (yours and your prospectís) which will work in your favor from that point forward.

The third scenario, and best of all, is by questioning you may easily find a solution that will satisfy both of you.

Once you know who your best prospects are, stay with that market and you will be far happier as more business comes your way. We've all heard, "It's not personal, it's just business" and now we must heed that expression.

Ask yourself, am I making reasonable requests of others and am I making the best decisions for my business?

Additional Ideas to Build Business you way include, Determine if the goodwill outweighs the cost on smaller decisions; Analyze the pros and cons of larger decisions; Will you still be able to pay your bills after adding the new commitment;

Intuition is an advantage. Listen to your initial reaction as it's usually correct. If you are truly uncomfortable making a quick decision, request a day or two to reflect on the ramifications, good and bad, of the request. No one can be offended by you giving serious consideration to what is being asked of you. This last step will enhance your relationship selling and will present you as highly credible.

Strive to build a sound business environment. Your center of influence will grow And Your Business Will Prosper.



Chris Bianchi. All Rights Reserved. 2025. No Unauthorized Use or Sharing of Content.

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